Some of the Sub-Fields of Psychology
Clinical psychologists assess and treat people's mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders, with these disorders ranging from mild to severe problems. They work in both academic institutions and health care settings such as clinics, community mental health centers, hospitals, prisons, and private practice. Their activities range broadly and include consultation, diagnosis and assessment, research, therapy, and training of graduate students. Many clinical psychologists focus their interests on special populations, such as abused individuals, the elderly, gays and lesbians, and minority groups, for example. Others focus on certain types of problems like adjustment to divorce, depression, eating disorders, phobias, or schizophrenia. They may treat and/or conduct research with children, adolescents and adults. In most states people with bachelor's and master's degrees may not independently practice as clinical psychologists. They may, however, work in clinical settings under the direction of a doctoral-level psychologist. In some cases this work could include testing or supervised therapy. People preparing for careers in clinical psychology should carefully investigate state licensing laws. Information about licensing can be obtained from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Admission to clinical programs at the doctoral level is extremely competitive and most programs require 4-5 years plus a year internship. Most clinical psychologists have Ph.D. degrees and have been trained in programs emphasizing a research-practitioner model. Recently, programs have developed that emphasize the practitioner role and grant the Psy.D. degree. This is also a doctoral degree but received from a program that places greater emphasis on training students for professional practice and less on research.
For those specifically interested in clinical psychology, you should consult Norcross, J.C., Sayette, M.A. & Mayne, T.J. (2004/2005) Insider's guide to graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology.
Several rankings of clinical psychology Ph.D. programs can be found. A 1995 National Research Council study provided rankings for 185 programs across the
Also recently, graduate programs have developed specific training emphases in clinical child psychology or pediatric psychology. These are subareas of clinical psychology and students with interests in these areas should consult a directory entitled Directory of graduate programs in clinical child/pediatric psychology (1999) compiled by K.Tarnowski and S.Simonian. Check out the following for clinical child and pediatric organizations and where you can follow a current link to doctoral training programs in clinical child and pediatric psychology.
For those interested in PsyD. programs, a recent guide providing the program's location, accreditation status, administration, and specialization is available here. A recent article in Eye on Psi Chi explores some differences between Ph.D. and PsyD. programs and is worth investigating if you are confused about these programs. It is available here.
What's the difference between clinical and counseling psychology?
Some pointers for students interested in applying to graduate programs in clinical psychology
Courses appropriate for those interested in clinical psychology:
333:Psychological Tests and Measurements; 351:Child Psychology; 353:Psychology of Adult Development and Aging; 355:Developmental Psychopathology; 361:Personality; 363:Abnormal Psychology; 364:Psychotherapy; 366:Health Psychology; 422:Physiological Psychology; 431:Interviewing and Counseling; 461:Current Implications of Drug Dependency; 462:Human Sexuality; 490:Internship.
Community psychologists are concerned with everyday behavior in natural settings - the home, the neighborhood, and the workplace. They seek to understand the factors that contribute to normal and abnormal behaviors in these settings. They also work to promote health and prevent disorders. Whereas clinical psychologists tend to focus on individuals who show signs of maladaptive behavior, most community psychologists concentrate their efforts on groups of people who are not mentally ill (but may be at risk of becoming so) or on the population in general. The Community Psychology Network is an excellent resource for information on community psychology. A link to APA Division 27 - Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology can also be investigated. A recent issue of Eye on Psi Chi, a publication of the National Honor Society in Psychology, addresses a career in community psychology.
Courses appropriate for those interested in community psychology:
334: Industrial Psychology; 341:Social Psychology; 344:Interpersonal Relations; 351:Child Psychology; 353:Psychology of Adult Development and Aging; 355:Developmental Psychopathology; 361:Personality; 363:Abnormal Psychology; 366:Health Psychology; 444:Environmental Psychology; 444: Technology, Environment and Behavior; 490:Internship; 497: Service Learning Experience. Courses from the Department of Sociology are also relevant here.
Counseling psychologists foster and improve human functioning across the life span by helping people solve the problems, make the decisions, and cope with the stresses of everyday life. Counseling psychology is related to clinical psychology but deals less with severe emotional and mental problems and more with the normal individual with personal and career issues. Counseling psychologists often use research to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and to search for novel approaches to assessing problems and changing behavior. Many counseling psychologists work in academic settings helping students adjust to college, and providing vocational and career assessment and guidance. An increasing number are being employed in healthcare institutions, such as community mental health centers, Veterans Administrations hospitals, and private clinics dealing with issues such as drug abuse, eating disorders, family adjustment issues, smoking, etc. Positions in counseling often require the doctorate degree, but positions for those with master's degrees are often found in educational institutions, clinics, business, industry, government, and other human services agencies. General information regarding licensure of psychologists and licensure of Counselors is available. Since licensing requirements differ from state to state and change over time, individuals who wish to become licensed are responsible for contacting and staying in touch with the appropriate licensing board in the state(s) in which they plan to practice.
Another career option to consider if you're interested in counseling is social work. As is true with other disciplines, there are a variety of subfields in social work. Social workers who practice psychotherapy are usually called either clinical social workers or psychiatric social workers. Clinical social workers are trained to diagnose and treat psychological problems. Note that they do not do psychological testing, so you should consider careers in psychology or education if this is of interest to you. Psychiatric social workers provide services to individuals, families, and small groups. They work in mental health centers, counseling centers, sheltered workshops, hospitals, and schools. They may also have their own private practice--even with only a master's degree. This is because clinical social workers are eligible for licensing in all 50 states with only a master's degree. Licensure of Social Workers and information on the Association of State Social Work Boards is available. To obtain more information about social work, visit the web site of the National Association of Social Workers or write to: National Association of Social Workers,750 First Street, NE, Suite #700, Washington, DC 20002-4241, (202) 408-8600
. Additional information can be found at the Social Work Access Network, the Council on Social Work Education, and the Clinical Social Work Federation. The 2005 edition of The Social Work Graduate School Applicant's Handbook (by Jesus Reyes) is available.
For students interested in counseling psychology, Norcross, J.C., Sayette, M.A., & Mayne, T.J. (2004/2005) Insider's guide to graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology should be consulted. Information on the Counseling Division of the APA and the Psychotherapy Division should also be perused. A recent issue of Eye on Psi Chi discusses counseling psychology. A directory of graduate schools offering counseling and mental health therapy programs can be found at
What's the difference between clinical and counseling psychology?
Courses appropriate for those interested in counseling psychology:
333:Psychological Tests and Measurements; 334:Industrial Psychology; 341:Social Psychology; 344:Interpersonal Relations; 351:Child Psychology; 353:Psychology of Adult Development and Aging; 355:Developmental Psychopathology; 361:Personality; 363:Abnormal Psychology; 364:Psychotherapy; 366:Health Psychology; 431:Interviewing and Counseling; 443:Psychology of Women; 461:Current Implications of Drug Dependency; 462:Human Sexuality; 490:Internship.
Developmental psychologists study human development across the life span, from prenatal development to adulthood and old age. They are interested in the description, measurement, and explanation of age-related changes in behaviors such as aggression, moral development, language development, perception and cognition, stages of emotional development, universal traits and individual differences, and abnormal changes in development. Many doctoral-level developmental psychologists are employed in academic settings, teaching and doing research. Persons with bachelor's and master's level training in developmental psychology work in applied settings such as day care centers and youth group programs, work with toy companies, parent education programs, hospital and child life programs, and museums, and evaluate educational television. More recently, developmental psychologists are found working with the aging population, especially in researching and developing ways to help elderly people stay as independent as possible (see: International Society on Infant Studies; Society for Research in Child Development; The Adult Development and Aging Division of APA; The Developmental Psychology Division of APA; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; and the Center for Developmental Science). A partial listing of organizations dealing with advocacy and policy is available from
Interested students should consult Careers in Child and Family Policy for further academic training.
A listing of graduate developmental psychology programs can be viewed here.
A listing of graduate programs in adult development and aging is available here.
Courses appropriate for those interested in developmental psychology:
321:Cognitive Processes; 322:Learning; 323:Psychology of Perception; 333:Psychological Tests and Measurements; 351:Child Psychology; 352:Field Experience in Child Psychology; 353:Psychology of Adult Development and Aging; 355:Developmental Psychopathology; 452:Cognitive Development in Children; 457:Television and its Effects on Children; 251:Human Growth and Development (does not count toward required 34 hours of psychology courses for majors).
Educational psychologists study how people learn. They design the methods and materials used to educate people of all ages. Many educational psychologists have a Ph.D. and work in universities, in both psychology departments and schools of education. Some conduct basic research on topics related to the learning of reading, writing, mathematics, and science. Others develop new methods of instruction including designing computer software. Still others train teachers and investigate factors that affect teachers' performance and morale. Educational psychologists conduct research in schools as well as in federal, state, and local educational agencies. They may be employed by governmental agencies or the corporate sector to analyze employees' skills and to design and implement training programs. Recently, industry and the military have been offering more opportunities for people with doctoral degrees who can design and evaluate systems to teach complex skills.
Those interested in graduate training in this area can find information in a resource entitled Graduate study in educational and psychological measurement, quantitative psychology, and related fields available from Linda Collins at the Center for Developmental and Health Research Methodology, S-159 Henderson Bldg.,
Courses appropriate for those interested in educational psychology:
321:Cognitive Processes; 322:Learning; 323:Psychology of Perception; 333:Psychological Tests and Measurements; 351:Child Psychology;410:Questionnaire Design; 422:Physiological Psychology; 435:Human Factors; 445:Technology, Environment, and Behavior; 452:Cognitive Development in Children; 457:Television and its Effects on Children.
Environmental psychologists study the ways people and the physical environments influence each other. These environments may range from homes and offices to urban areas and regions. Environmental psychologists may do basic research, for example, evaluating people's attitudes toward different environments or their sense of personal space; or their research may be applied, such as evaluating an office design or assessing the psychological impact of a government's plan to build a new waste-treatment site. More specifically, environmental psychologists may study the effects of crowding or population density on behavior and attitudes; the effect of pollution, temperature, noise, lighting conditions, and aromas on behavior; or they may study the ways aspects of the physical environment, like wall colors or music in offices, may influence work. Check out APA Division 34, Population and Environmental Psychology at which can be found a listing of graduate programs in this field.. A careers in environmental psychology page from
Courses appropriate for those interested in environmental psychology:
323:Psychology of Perception; 334:Industrial Psychology; 341:Social Psychology; 375:Psychology of the Arts; 435:Human Factors; 444:Environmental Psychology; 445:Technology, Environment, and Behavior; 457:Television and its Effects on Children.
"Experimental psychologist" is a general title applied to a diverse group of psychologists who conduct research on and often teach about a variety of basic behavioral processes. These processes may include learning, sensation, perception, human performance, motivation, memory, language, thinking, and communication as well as the physiological processes underlying behaviors such as eating, reading, and problem solving. Most experimental psychologists work in academic settings, teaching courses and supervising students' research in addition to conducting their own research work. Experimental psychologists are also employed by research institutions, business, industry, and government. A research-oriented doctoral degree is usually needed for advancement and mobility in experimental psychology. The education of experimental psychologists includes coursework in research design and methodology, statistical analysis and quantitative methods, and broad-based exposure to the major content areas in psychology, especially those related to the individual psychologist's areas of research interest. One organization of experimental psychologists is that of Division 25-Behavior Analysis. This link provides a directory of training programs in applied behavior analysis including programs with an emphasis on using
Family psychologists are practitioners, researchers, and educators concerned with the prevention of family conflict, the treatment of marital and family problems, and the maintenance of normal family functioning. They concentrate on the family structure and the interaction between members rather than on the individual. As service providers, they often design and conduct programs for marital enrichment, premarital preparation, improved parent-child relations, and parent education about children with special needs. They also provide treatment for marital conflicts and problems that effect whole families. As researchers, they seek to identify environmental and personal factors that are associated with improved family functioning. They may study communication patterns in families with a hyperactive child or conduct research on child abuse or the effects of divorce and remarriage on family members. Traditionally, most family psychologists earned their degree in professional areas of psychology and then obtained advanced training in departments of psychiatry, family institutes, or through individual supervision. Doctoral programs in family psychology are just beginning to appear and postdoctoral training programs are becoming more common. Family psychologists are often employed in medical schools, hospitals, private practice, family institutes and community agencies. Job opportunities also exist for university teachers, forensic family psychologists, and consultants to industry.
Answers to frequently asked questions about marriage and family therapy can be found on the website for the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. This site also provides a section on a career as a marriage and family therapist as well as a directory of training programs in marriage and family therapy along with information on applying to these programs.
Students with an interest in this area should also consult Careers in Child and Family Policy.
Forensic psychology is the term given to the applied and clinical facets of psychology and law.
Psychology and law is a new field with career opportunities at several levels of training. As an area of research, psychology and law is concerned both with looking at legal issues from a psychological perspective (e.g., how juries decide cases) and with looking at psychological questions in a legal context (how jurors assign blame or responsibility for a crime).
Forensic psychologists might help a judge decide which parent should have custody of the children or evaluate the victim of an accident to determine if he or she sustained psychological or neurological damage. In criminal cases, forensic psychologists might evaluate a defendant's mental competence to stand trial. Some forensic psychologists counsel inmates and probationers; others counsel the victims of crimes and help them prepare to testify, cope with emotional distress, and resume their normal activities. Some specialists in this field have doctoral degrees in both psychology and law. Others were trained in a traditional graduate psychology program, such as clinical, counseling, social, or experimental, and chose courses, research topics, and practical experiences to fit their interest in psychology and law. Today, a few graduate schools have joint law/psychology programs and grant the Ph.D. and J.D. Jobs for people with doctoral degrees are available in psychology departments, law schools, research organizations, community mental health agencies, law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional settings. Some forensic psychologists work in private practice. Master's and bachelor's level positions are available in prisons, correctional institutions, probation departments, forensic units of mental institutions, law enforcement agencies, and community based programs that assist victims.
The American Psychology Law Society provides a link to investigate graduate training programs in psychology and law. It also provides a link for careers in psychology and law. Other links to forensic psychology information can be found at David Willshire's Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry page and Scott Carpenter's Forensic Science Resources page. The forensic psychology information online page and the Resources page may also provide useful information. A new American Psychological Association site called PsycLAW may also be helpful. A Spring 2001 article in Eye on Psi Chi discusses the field of forensic psychology while identifying career and training opportunities. A link on careers in forensic psychology from
Health psychologists are researchers and practitioners concerned with psychology's contribution to the promotion and maintenance of good health and the prevention and treatment of illness. As applied psychologists or clinicians, they may, for example, design and conduct programs to help individuals stop smoking, lose weight, manage stress, prevent cavities, or stay physically fit. As researchers, they seek to identify conditions and practices that are associated with health and illness. In public service roles, they study and work to improve the government's policies and systems for health care. Employment settings for this specialty area can be found in medical centers, hospitals, health maintenance organizations, rehabilitation centers, public health agencies, and private practice. Most health psychologists earn their doctoral degree in another area of psychology, such as clinical or counseling, but concentrate their studies, research and practical experience in health psychology. In recent years a number of doctoral programs in health psychology have been established. Check out the APA Division on Health Psychology. For those interested in neuroscience-based studies of the relationship between emotions and health, check HealthEmotions Research Institute at the
A listing of Doctoral Training Programs in Health Psychology can be found here.
Courses appropriate for those interested in health psychology:
351:Child Psychology; 353:Psychology of Adult Development and Aging; 355:DevelopmentalPsychopathology; 361:Personality; 363:Abnormal Psychology; 364:Psychotherapy; 366:Health Psychology; 422:Physiological Psychology; 461:Current Implications of Drug Dependency; 462:Human Sexuality.
Human factors is a multidisciplinary endeavor "concerned with designing for human use." The efficient design of human tasks, systems, and environments depends upon an understanding of human characteristics, capacities, and limitations. The principal objective of human factors is to use this information in the design process to ensure human safety and system efficiency. Human factors psychologists, or engineering psychologists as they are sometimes called, are concerned with design and safety problems in a variety of settings, for example, air and ground transportation, medical care, and industrial automation. With the advent of the computer industry many human factors psychologists are engaged in helping make computer hardware and software more user-friendly. They can also be found researching the design of ergonomically correct equipment and workload issues. Opportunities for human factors psychologists have increased greatly with employment at both the master's and the Ph.D. levels. These opportunities exist in industry, military research organizations, research and development firms, and government. University teaching and research is another area of employment. See article on an interesting career in human factors and for more information on the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society check out their homepage. Eye on Psi Chi also has an article on the field of human factors/ergonomics.
Interested students should consult the following resource for additional information on graduate training: Directory of human factors graduate programs in the United States and Canada, published by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Courses appropriate for those interested in human factors psychology:
321:Cognitive Processes; 322:Learning; 323:Perception; 333:Psychological Tests and Measurements; 334:Industrial Psychology; 353:Psychology of Adult Development and Aging; 410:Questionnaire Design; 422:Physiological Psychology; 435:Human Factors; 444:Environmental Psychology; 445:Technology, Environment, and Behavior; 490:Internship
Industrial/organizational psychologists are concerned with relations between people and work. Their interests include organizational structure and organizational change; workers' productivity and job satisfaction; consumer behavior; selection, placement, training, and development of personnel. I/O psychologists work in businesses, industries, governments, and educational institutions. Some may be self-employed as consultants or work for management counseling firms.
Consumer Psychologists are industrial/organizational psychologists whose interests lie in consumers' reaction to a company's products or services. They investigate consumers' preferences for a particular package design or television commercial, for example, and develop strategies for marketing products. They also try to improve the acceptability and safety of products and help the consumer make better decisions.
Human Resource Psychologists are industrial/organizational psychologists who develop and validate procedures to select and evaluate personnel. Jobs for industrial/organizational psychologists are available at both master's and doctoral levels. Opportunities for those with master's degrees tend to be concentrated in business, industry, and government settings; doctoral-level psychologists may work in academic settings and do independent consulting work.
A listing of graduate training programs in industrial-organizational psychology and related fields is available at Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychologists. Information on the Society for Consumer Psychology may be of relevance to you. A good resource for information on organizational psychology and human resource management can be found at The Internet Survival Guide of Industrial/Organizational Psychology. A new site on Emotional Intelligence: Optimizing Human Performance in the Workplace may be of interest as may the Society for Human Resource Management. A book on graduate programs in human resource management is available. Eye on Psi Chi (Spring 1999) addresses a career in industrial/organization psychology. Another issue of Eye on Psi Chi (Fall 2001) talks about "What is consumer psychology?" A page on careers in consumer psychology and one from careers in industrial organizational psychology from
Courses appropriate for those interested in I/O psychology:
333:Psychological Tests and Measurements; 334:Industrial Psychology; 341:Social Psychology; 410:Questionnaire Design; 431:Interviewing and Counseling; 435:Human Factors; 444:Environmental Psychology; 445:Technology, Environment, and Behavior; 490:Internship. In addition to the above psychology courses, there are courses in the Department of Communication and the Departments of Marketing and Management that are appropriate for one interested in this area.
Psychobiologists and neuropsychologists investigate the relation between physical systems and behavior. Topics they study include the relation of specific biochemical mechanisms in the brain to behavior; the relation of brain structure to function; and the chemical and physical changes that occur in the body when we experience different emotions. Neuropsychologists also diagnose and treat disturbances related to suspected dysfunctions of the central nervous system and treat patients by teaching them new ways to acquire and process information - a technique known as cognitive retraining. Clinical neuropsychologists work in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, and pediatric units of hospitals and clinics. They also work in academic settings where they conduct research and train other neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, and medical doctors. Most positions in neuropsychology and biopsychology are at the doctoral level; many require postdoctoral training. Two interesting careers can be read about here and here.
For a listing of related programs in the neurosciences, check The Directory of Neuroscience Training Programs. Clicking on the following links will get you to the Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology Division and to the Clinical Neuropsychology Division of APA. A link to Division 28-Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse is also available. An index of neuroscience resources is available at Neurosciences on the Internet and Neuropsychology Central.
PSYCHOLOGY OF AGING (Geropsychology)
Researchers in the psychology of aging (geropsychology) draw on sociology, biology, and other disciplines as well as psychology to study the factors associated with adult development and aging. Many people interested in the psychology of aging are trained in a more traditional graduate program in psychology, such as experimental, clinical, developmental, or social. While they are enrolled in such a program, they become geropsychologists by focusing their research, course work, and practical experiences on adult development and aging. A doctorate is normally required for teaching, research, and clinical practice, but an increasing number of employment opportunities are becoming available for people with associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. These positions typically involve the supervised provision of services to adults in nursing homes, senior citizens centers, or state and local government offices for elderly. A recent article in gradPSYCH (9/2005) discusses the potential for development in the field. Viewing the following will lead you to information on the APA Adult Development and Aging Division and Clinical Geropsychology Division. Centers for Demography of Health and Aging direct you to sites providing innovative and policy-relevant research on health, social factors, economics, and other issues that affect the U.S. older population.
For those interested in the psychology of aging, Psychology 353:Psychology of Adult Development and Aging and Soc330/Swk330:Perspectives on Aging, are recommended.
The psychology of women is the study of psychological and social factors affecting women's development and behavior. Psychologists focusing on the psychology of women are found in a variety of academic and clinical settings. Most psychologists whose concern is the psychology of women have received their training in clinical, developmental, or social psychology, or in psychobiology, pursuing their special interest within these broader areas. Teaching positions for doctoral level psychologists are available in psychology and women's studies departments. Researchers who focus on health issues for women have been hired as faculty members in nursing, public health, social work, or psychiatry departments of universities. Clinicians may choose to work in mental health centers and in private practice. The Psychology of Women Division of APA (Division 35) and Division 51 - The Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity provide information on gender issues. Other excellent resources can be found at a site maintained by the University of Maryland Women's Studies database.
Psychometric and quantitative psychologists are concerned with the methods and techniques used in acquiring and applying psychological knowledge. A psychometrician may revise old intelligence, personality, and aptitude tests or devise new ones. These tests might be used in clinical, counseling, and school settings or in business and industry. Other quantitative psychologists might assist a researcher in psychology or another field in designing and interpreting the results of an experiment. Psychometricians and quantitative psychologists are well trained in mathematics, statistics, and computer programming and technology. Doctoral-level psychometricians and quantitative psychologists are employed mainly by universities and colleges, testing companies, private research firms, and government agencies. Those with master's degrees often work for testing companies and private research firms.
Those interested in this area may want to check out Division 5 of APA, Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics. A resource entitled Graduate study in educational and psychological measurement, quantitative psychology, and related fields is available from Linda Collins at the Center for Developmental and Health Research Methodology, S-159 Henderson Bldg.,
Rehabilitation psychologists are researchers and practitioners whose interests lie in working with people who have suffered a physical deprivation or loss, such as cerebral palsy or autism, either at birth or through later damage such as a stroke or an accident. They help clients adapt to their situation, frequently working with other health care professionals. They deal with issues of personal adjustment, interpersonal relations, the work world and pain management. Rehabilitation psychologists have also become more involved in public health programs to prevent disabilities, especially those caused by violence and substance abuse. Many rehabilitation psychologists work in medical rehabilitation institutes and hospitals. Others work in medical schools and universities, serve as consultants to or as administrators in state and federal vocational rehabilitation agencies, or have private practices servicing people who have disabilities. The Rehabilitation Psychology Division of APA provides many links..
Courses appropriate for those interested in school psychology:
321:Cognitive Processes; 322:Learning; 333:Psychological Tests and Measurements; 351:Child Psychology; 355:Developmental Psychopathology; 361:Personality; 363:Abnormal Psychology; 410: Questionnaire Design; 457:Television and its Effects on Children. Additionally, courses in the
Social psychologists study how people interact with each other and how they are affected by their social environments. They study individuals as well as groups, observable behaviors, and private thoughts. Topics of interest to social psychologists include the formation of attitudes and attitude change, individual and group decision making, attraction between people such as friendship and love, prejudice, personality and social development, group dynamics, and violence and aggression. Social psychologists can be found in a wide variety of academic settings, and, increasingly, in many nonacademic settings. For example, many social psychologists have found employment in advertising agencies, corporations, hospitals, educational institutions, and architectural and engineering firms as researchers, consultants, evaluators, and personnel managers. As with experimental psychology, a research-oriented doctoral degree is usually necessary in social psychology. For an interesting career of one who was trained as a social psychologist, check this out.
Also, check out the pages for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (APA Division 8) and for The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (APA Division 9). An excellent web site for social psychology may be found at the Social Psychology Network created by Scott Plous. The social psychology career section addresses careers in social psychology and careers in psychology more generally. A listing of graduate Ph.D. social psychology programs can also be found.
Courses appropriate for those interested in social psychology:
321:Cognitive Processes; 334:Industrial Psychology; 344:Interpersonal Relations; 341:Social Psychology; 351:Child Psychology; 410:Questionnaire Design; 444:Environmental Psychology
Sports psychologists apply psychological methods and knowledge to the study and modification of the behavior and mental processes of people involved in sports. These psychologists generally perform three primary roles, namely teaching, research, and practice. Generally, sports psychologists are trained within the field of clinical or counseling psychology and physical education. Opportunities for sports psychologists include counseling in a sports medicine clinic or with a professional sports team, research in an academic setting involving student athletes, and developing enhancement programs for athletes. Most opportunities are available to psychologists with doctoral degrees. However, master's level sports psychologists may find opportunities in health care settings working in health promotion and rehabilitation programs.
The interested student should consult: Burke, Sachs, & Smisson (2004), Directory of graduate programs in applied sport psychology (7th Ed.). This is an excellent resource on over 100 master's and doctoral degree programs in the
Courses appropriate for those interested in sports psychology:
321:Cognitive Psychology; 322:Learning; 341:Social Psychology; 363:Abnormal Psychology; 366:Health Psychology; 422:Physiological Psychology. Many courses in the Health and Sports Science department of the
For students who are interested in Art Therapy or Music Therapy, a visit to the respective web sites of the relevant associations may enlighten you about these areas. Here are the sites for the American Art Therapy Association and the American Music Therapy Association. Both sites have information about careers and training. Additionally, information about a profession in dance therapy can be found at the American Dance Therapy Association and information on a profession in drama therapy can be found at the National Association for Drama Therapy.
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