Friday, 8 May 2009

Psychology Careers: Books

Psychology Careers: Books

Psychology careers for the 21st century (2003) is a brochure published by the American Psychological Association and is available to be read on-line.

Copies of most of the following books are available in the Roesch Library. Addresses or links are presented below if you would like to order your own copy of the texts.

Further information about psychology careers can be found in a recent book published by and available from the American Psychological Association. It is titled Career paths in psychology: Where your degree can take you (1997) by Robert Sternberg. Several psychologists discuss their work in various areas of psychology, including school psychology, community psychology, consumer psychology, private practice, industrial/organizational psychology, counseling psychology, clinical psychology in hospitals, human factors psychology, military psychology, psychology in academic careers, health psychology, and consumer psychology. These psychologists offer advice and information while speaking frankly about salaries and job opportunities, and what it takes to make it in these fields.

A new book from Thomson/Wadworth by T. Kuther and R. Morgan is called Careers in psychology - Opportunities in a changing world (2004). This concise book explores bachelor's- and graduate-level careers within each subarea of psychology, including clinical, counseling, experimental, developmental, industrial/organizational, forensic, and social psychology. You'll learn tips for preparing for your career in psychology and recognize the many opportunities available to you, as a student of psychology.

Another recent resource from T. Kuther is entitled The psychology major's handbook (2006). It offers undergraduate students the information they need to make informed decisions about whether to pursue psychology as a major and career, and to succeed in psychology. The author encourages the student to become an active learner and take control of his or her education and future. The first chapter introduces students to the scope of psychology and the subspecialties within psychology. It also provides information on the wide range of settings in which psychologists work. Subsequent chapter's help students assess their skills, abilities, and interests, as well as develop habits and strategies that promote success in psychology classes. Career opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate levels are presented so students can decide whether psychology is an appropriate major for them. Other chapters discuss the world after college including detailed suggestions on how to find a job with a B.A., and how to apply to graduate school.

T. Kuther recently published a book specific to a career in psychology and law. It is entitled Your career in psychology - Psychology and the law and is a 2004 publication. Learn about career opportunities in forensic psychology and legal psychology including information about work settings, roles and responsibilities, and salaries. Explore whether a career in forensic psychology and psychology and law is for you. Learn about graduate programs in forensic psychology, legal psychology, and psychology and law, and get tips on how to prepare now for a career in psychology and the law.

A recent book from Prentice Hall for the psychology major, entitled The psychology major: Career options and strategies for success (2003) by R.E. Landrum and S.F. Davis, addresses many of the "needs to know" of the major in psychology. In addition to careers in psychology with a B.A. or B.S. degree, the book addresses undergraduate and graduate opportunities, assistance with locating research, writing using APA format, tips for doing well in psychology courses, and ethical issues faced by undergraduate psychology students.

Another recent book titled Majoring in psych? Career options for psychology undergraduates (3rd ed.), (2006) by Betsy L. Morgan and Ann J. Korschgen shows students how to get the most out of an undergraduate psychology degree. The authors demystify the process of career development for students by showing students how to explore their options. References, timelines, Internet resources, and thought-provoking questions enliven the discussion. The humorous, down-to-earth tone makes this book accessible to all students.

Another book, The handbook of psychology (1997) by Drew Appleby also offers practical advice to anyone considering a major in psychology. It was initially written as an undergraduate handbook for students at Marian College, where Appleby was professor and chair of the psychology department. The book covers a wide range of areas from how to be a successful undergraduate to getting into graduate school or finding a career in psychology. (This book may be found in library collections but is no longer in print.)

An article reprinted in the July 1997 APA Monitor, the Newsletter of the American Psychological Association, talks about the distinctive skills of a psychology graduate. The article provides a listing of the skills psychology students develop through their training and suggests that students be aware of these skills in marketing themselves for jobs.

The Roesch Library also has a copy of a recent book titled Great jobs for psychology majors by J. DeGalan and S. Lambert. Opportunities in psychology careers by Charles Super and Donald Super is also located in the Career Reference Center on the first floor, along with other career books and listings of graduate school programs.

Graduate School: Books

Copies of most of the following books are available in the Roesch Library. Addresses or links are presented below if you would like to order your own copy of the texts.

The complete guide to graduate school admission: Psychology, counseling and related professions 2nd ed (2000) by P. Keith-Spiegel and Michael Wiederman is another excellent resource. A 288-page guide to every conceivable question about getting into graduate school in psychology and related areas. Based on a national survey of graduate admissions committees, Keith-Spiegel has provided a very readable guide in question-and-answer format. Included are topics such as "What 'They' are looking for in an applicant", how to enhance and maximize your "attractiveness" and credentials, how to go about choosing a graduate school, what to do if your grades "are not so hot," the application process in detail, how to interview for graduate school, and many, many more topics.

Getting in: A step-by-step plan for gaining admission to graduate school in psychology (1993) is an APA publication that outlines each step in the process of deciding to go to graduate school in psychology, finding the schools you will apply to, and then how to go about applying. It provides checklists of each step and suggested dates by which materials should be prepared, sent out, etc. It is an excellent resource for those planning on graduate school.

Another publication of APA is a book called Graduate study in psychology (2006). This book lists most graduate psychology programs in this country and Canada. It lists the programs by state and has information regarding types of programs offered, admissions criteria, number of students accepted each year, financial aid information, and where to get further information.

Graduate study in psychology: Your guide to success (2004) is a new book by Tara Kuther that takes the reader step-by-step through the graduate admissions process. She begins with posing the question of whether graduate school is right for everyone and the differences between pursuing a master’s degree or a doctoral degree. The following chapters contain information regarding what graduate school is like, how to evaluate and choose the right graduate program for you, and what graduate schools are looking for in an applicant. Kuther also addresses how to improve an applicant’s chances of getting selected for graduate school by improving credentials and obtaining research and applied experience during college. This book offers advice on how to seek financial aid to fund graduate education and a timetable for complying with admission application requirements. There are chapters that detail how to study for the Graduate Record Exam, how to write an admissions essay, how to prepare for interviews, and how to ask for letters of recommendation. Each chapter concludes with tips from graduate students about each challenge encountered. Graduate Study in Psychology closes with an appendix of resources and recommended readings and websites to help the reader at each stage of choosing, applying to, and succeeding in graduate school.

Succeeding in graduate school: The career guide for psychology students (2001). In this guide for prospective graduate students in psychology, academics and clinicians present suggestions for succeeding in graduate school. The 27 contributions discuss such topics as choosing which advanced degree to pursue, applying to graduate school, the politics of graduate programs, stresses and strategies for graduate student couples, developing teaching skills, preparing and defending theses and dissertations, internship programs, and licensing.

A career in clinical psychology: From training to employment
(1997) is a resource for students planning a career in the area of clinical psychology. The book reviews the history and evolution of clinical psychology, discusses the requirements of academic preparation and supervised clinical experience, identifies job prospects, reviews application procedures and qualifications, outlines ethical and legal considerations, and speculates on emerging employment trends.

Life after graduate school in psychology: Insider's advice from new psychologists (2005). With the diverse array of career opportunities for psychologists, ranging from academia and practice, to business and industry, this book offers a wide-ranging career guide for graduate and postdoctoral students, as well as interns and new psychologists, seeking employment opportunities in the field of psychology. Statistical data on the employment and job satisfaction of new graduates are included. The book also outlines career trends for people at various stages of their psychological career, such as doctoral-level psychologists; psychologists in academia and practice; and nontraditional career opportunities in fields such as public health, marketing research, and software development.

Preparing for graduate study in psychology: 101 questions and answers (1996) by W. Buskist and T. Sherburne, is a brief book that offers to-the-point answers to commonly asked questions about graduate school in psychology, from getting started in applying to surviving the first year. It additionally provides several appendices, including sample letters of intent and a worksheet for program comparison, amongst other issues. (This book may be found in library collections but is no longer in print.)

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