Friday, 2 December 2016

T.Y.B.A. Psychology Syllabi to be implemented from 2015-2016

Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Parts I and Part II Paper VI in old scheme)

Course Title
Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Part I
100 ( 75+25)
Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Part II
100 ( 75+25)

Objectives: -
1. To impart knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in and various facets of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 
2. To create awareness about the role and importance of Psychological factors and processes in the world of work
3. To create a foundation for higher education and a professional career in Industrial Psychology and Organizational Behaviour

Semester 5. Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Part I  3 lectures per week

Unit 1. Job Analysis
a)      What is job analysis? Purposes of job analysis; How job analysis information is collected
 b)      Methods of job analysis; Reliability and validity of job analysis information; Job evaluation

Unit 2. Performance Appraisal
        a)      Why do we appraise employees? Performance criteria 
        b)      Objective and subjective methods for assessing job performance; the impact of technology on   
              performance appraisal; legal issues in performance appraisal

Unit 3. Assessment Methods for Selection and Placement, and Selecting Employee
 a)      Job-Related characteristics; Characteristics of psychological tests; various types of tests; Biographical information, interviews, work samples, assessment centres; electronic assessment 
b)      Selecting employees – The planning of human resource needs, recruiting applicants; how do organizations select employees?  Conducting a validation study; validity generalization; how predictor information is used for selection; getting applicants to accept and keep job offered; the utility of scientific selection; how valid selection devices work; computing the utility of scientific selection; international differences in selection practices; legal issues

Unit 4. Training
       a.)    Needs assessment, objectives, training design 
        b)      Delivery and evaluation of a training program

Sem. 6. Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Part II (Credits = 3.5) 3 lectures per week

Unit 1. Theories of Employee Motivation
a              a.)    What is motivation? Work motivation theories, need theories  
                b)      Other Theories - Reinforcement theory, expectancy theory and self-efficacy theory; Justice   
                       theories, goal-setting theory, control theory and action theory

Unit 2. Feelings about Work: Job Attitudes and Emotions; Productive and Counterproductive Work Behaviour
a              a.)  The nature of job satisfaction; how people feel about their jobs; the assessment and antecedents of 
                   job satisfaction  
             b)      Potential effects of job satisfaction; organizational commitment and  emotions at work
c)      Productive work behaviour: ability, motivation, personal characteristics and task performance; environmental conditions and task performance; organizational constraints; organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB)
d)     Counterproductive work behaviour: withdrawal – absence, lateness, turnover; aggression, sabotage, and theft; labour unrest and strikes

Unit 3. Leadership and Power in Organizations
a          a.)     What is leadership? Sources of influence and power; abuse of supervisory power: sexual and ethnic 
            b)      Approaches to the understanding of leadership; women in leadership positions; cross-cultural issues 
                   in leadership

Unit 4. Organizational Development and Theory 
             a)      Organizational Development 
             b)      Organizational Theories
Note – As an Orientation to this paper, the following sub-topics should be taught in brief (questions will not be set on these sub-topics in the class test or semester-end examination)
a)      What is I-O Psychology? Activities and settings of I-O psychologists; I-O psychology as a profession and as a science; history of the field of I-O psychology; I-O psychology beyond the United States and the United Kingdom
b)      What it takes to become an I-O Psychologist; Internet resources for I-O Psychologists and students; ethics of the I-O Field; humanitarian work Psychology

Book for study
Spector, P. E. (2012). Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice. Singapore: John Wiley & Sons Pte.  Ltd. (Indian reprint 2015)

Books for reference
1)      Aamodt, M.G. (2004). Applied Industrial/Organizational Psychology. (4th ed). Wadsworth/ Thomson Learning
2)      Aswathappa, K. (2005). Human Resource and Personnel Management – Text and Cases, 4th ed, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
3)      Dessler, G., & Verkkey, B. (2009). Human Resource Management. 11th ed., Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley India, New Delhi
4)      French, W.L., Bell, C.H. Jr, & Vohra, V. (2006). Organization Development: Behavioural science interventions for organization improvement. 6th ed., Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley India, New Delhi
5)      Greer, C.R. (2001).  Strategic Human Resource Management; A general managerial approach. 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 6th Indian reprint 2004
6)      Hellriegel,D., & Slocum, J.W. (2004). Organizational Behavior.( 10th ed.). South Western/ Thomson Learning
7)      Hersey, P., Blanchard, K. H., & Johnson, D. E. (2001). Management of Organisational Behaviour. 8th ed., Pearson, Dorling Kindersley India, New Delhi. 3rd Indian reprint 2009
8)      Hoyer, W.D., MacInnis, D.J., & Dasgupta, P. (2008). Consumer Behaviour. Biztantra, New Delhi
9)      Jones, G.R., & Mathew, M. (2009). Organisational theory, design, and change. 5th ed., Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley India, New Delhi
10)  Landy, F. J., & Conte, J. M. (2013). Work In The 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 4th Edition, John Wiley & sons, USA (Indian reprint 2015)
11)  Luthans, F. (2005). Organizational Behavior. (10th ed.). McGraw Hill.
12)  Matthewman, L., Rose, A., & Hetherington, A. (2009). Work Psychology: An introduction to Human Behaviour in workplace. Oxford university press
13)  McKenna, E. (2006). Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour: A student’s handbook. 4th ed., Psychology Press, 1st Indian reprint 2009
14)  Miner, J.B. (2002). Organisational Behaviour: Foundations, theories, analyses. New York: Oxford university press
15)  Muchinsky, P.M. (2003). Psychology Applied to Work.( 7th ed.). Wadsworth/ Thomson Learning
16)  Newstrom, J.W., & Davis, K. (2002). Organizational Behavior: Human Behavior at work (11thed.). Tata McGraw- Hill  
17)  Pareek, U. (2003). Training Instruments in HRD and OD (2nd ed.), Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company, Mumbai
18)  Pareek, U., Rao, T.V., Pestonjee, D.M. (1981). Behavior Process in Organizations: Readings, Cases, Instruments. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi
19)  Pareek, U. (2008). Understanding Organizational Behaviour. Oxford University Press, New Delhi
20)  Sanghi, S. (2007). Towards personal excellence: psychometric tests and self-improvement techniques for managers. 2nd ed., Response books, Sage publications
21)  Schultz, D., & Schultz, S. E. (2002). Psychology and Work Today. (8th ed.). Pearson Indian reprint 2008, by Dorling Kindersley India pvt ltd, New Delhi
22)  Sekaran, U., (2004). Organisational Behaviour: Text And Cases.( 2nd ed.). New Delhi: Tata McGraw- Hill
23)  Shani, A. B., & Lau, J.B., (2005). Behavior in Organizations: An Experiential Approach. (8th ed.). McGraw Hill
24)  Schultz, D., & Schultz, S. E. (2010). Psychology and Work Today.( 10th ed.). Pearson Prentice Hall  
25)  Steptoe-Warren, G. (2014). Occupational Psychology: An Applied Approach. New Delhi: Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
26)  Singh, D. (2006). Emotional intelligence at work: A professional guide. 3rd ed., New Delhi, Sage publications
27)  Sinha, J. B. P. (2008). Culture and Organisational Behaviour. New Delhi, Sage publications.

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