Monday, 9 September 2013



 Credit Based Semester and Grading System
T.Y.B.A. Psychology Syllabi to be implemented from 2013‐2014
              Psychological Testing and Statistics: Parts I and II
                            (Special course; Paper IV in old scheme)
Code Sem. Course Title Credits Marks
UAPS501 5 Psychological Testing and Statistics: Part I 4 100 ( 60 +40)
UAPS601 6 Psychological Testing and Statistics: Part II 4 100 ( 60 +40)
Objectives -
1) To impart knowledge and understanding of the nature, uses, technical features, and the
process of construction of psychological tests
2) To create awareness about measurement of intelligence and assessment of personality
3) To impart knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in Statistics and the
various measures of Descriptive Statistics - their characteristics, uses, applications and
methods of calculation
4) To create a foundation for advanced learning of Psychological Testing, Assessment, and

 Semester 5. Psychological Testing and Statistics:      Part I                                     
    (Credits = 4)
                                         4 lectures per week; 60 lectures per Semester

Unit 1. Psychological Testing and Assessment
a) Definition of testing and assessment; the process and tools of assessment
b) The parties and types of settings involved
c) How assessments are conducted; assessment of people with disabilities

Unit 2. Tests, Testing and Norms
a) Reference sources for authoritative information about tests
b) Various assumptions about Psychological Testing and Assessment
c) What is a ‘Good Test’; Norms – sampling to develop norms, types of norms, fixed reference
group scoring systems, norm‐referenced versus criterion‐referenced evaluation
d) Inference from Measurement – meta analysis; culture and inference

Unit 3. Reliability
a) The concept of Reliability; Reliability estimates: Test‐Retest, Parallel and Alternate Forms, Split‐
Half, Inter‐Item Consistency – Kuder‐Richardson formulas, Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha; Inter‐
Scorer Reliability
b) Using and interpreting a coefficient of Reliability – purpose and nature of the test

c) Alternatives to the true score model: Generalizability theory and Item Response Theory
d) Reliability and individual scores: SEM and SE‐Difference

Unit 4. Validity
a) The concept of Validity
b) Content Validity
c) Criterion‐related Validity
d) Construct Validity
e) Validity, bias, and fairness

Unit 5. Types of scores, Types of scales, Frequency Distribution and Graphic
a) Continuous and discrete scores – meaning and difference
b) Nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales of measurement
c) Preparing a Frequency Distribution; advantages and disadvantages of preparing a
frequency distribution; smoothed frequencies: method of running averages
d) Graphic representations: Frequency polygon, histogram, cumulative frequency curve,
ogive, polygon of smoothed frequencies (Unit 5-d is only for theoretical understanding
and questions; graphs are not to be drawn in the exam.)

Unit 6. Measures of central tendency
a) Calculation of mean, median and mode of a frequency distribution
b) The assumed mean method for calculating the mean
c) Comparison of measures of central tendency: Merits, limitations, and uses of mean, median
and mode

  Semester 6. Psychological Testing and Statistics: Part II             

 (Credits = 4)

                                            4 lectures per week; 60 lectures per Semester
Unit 1. Test Development
a) Test conceptualization
b) Test construction
c) Test tryout
d) Item analysis
e) Test revision

Unit 2. Measurement of Intelligence and Intelligence Scales
a) What is Intelligence? - Definitions and theories; measuring Intelligence
b) The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
c) The Wechsler Tests: WAIS, WISC, WPPSI
d) Close-up: Factor analysis

Unit 3. Assessment of Personality
a) Personality Assessment – some basic questions
b) Developing instruments to assess personality – logic and reason, theory, data reduction
methods, criterion groups; personality assessment and culture
c) Objective methods of personality assessment

d) Projective methods of personality assessment - Inkblots as Projective stimuli - the
Rorschach; Pictures as Projective stimuli – Thematic Apperception Test; Projective
methods in perspective

Unit 4. Probability, Normal Probability Curve and Standard scores
a) The concept of Probability; laws of Probability
b) Characteristics, importance and applications of the Normal Probability Curve; Area
under the Normal Curve
c) Skewness- positive and negative, causes of skewness, formula for calculation
d) Kurtosis - meaning and formula for calculation
e) Standard scores – z, T, stanine; linear and non-linear transformation; Normalised
Standard scores

Unit 5. Measures of Variability, Percentiles, and Percentile Ranks
a) Calculation of 4 measures of variability: Range, Average Deviation, Quartile Deviation and
Standard Deviation
b) Comparison of 4 measures of variability: Merits, limitations, and uses
c) Percentiles – nature, merits, limitations, and uses; Calculation of Percentiles and Percentile

Unit 6. Correlation
a) Meaning and types of correlation – positive, negative and zero
b) Graphic representations of correlation - Scatterplots
c) The steps involved in calculation of Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient
d) Calculation of rho by Spearman’s rank-difference method
e) Uses and limitations of correlation coefficient
f) Simple Regression and Multiple Regression
Book for study
Cohen, J. R., & Swerdlik, M. E. (2010). Psychological Testing and Assessment: An introduction to
Tests and Measurement. (7th ed.). New York. McGraw‐Hill International edition

1 assignment of 10 marks in each Semester
Broad Topics for the assignments for Semester 5 and 6 are given below. The teacher‐in‐charge
should prepare a list of various sub‐topics under these broad topics and assign different specific
topics to the students in the class to ensure maximum possible coverage of the suggested topics.
The students should refer to the relevant books and present information about the specific
assigned topic in written or typed form ‐ maximum 1000 words, 2 full pages (4 sides) of A‐4 size
paper. Additional pages (maximum 2 or 3) may be used for Bibliography and Tables, Figures and
Appendix if any. Assignments of a very high quality may be given maximum 9 marks out of 10.
1. History of Psychological Testing and Assessment
2. Culture and assessment
3. Legal and Ethical considerations of testing and assessment
4. The rights of test-takers
5. Definitions of personality and personality assessment; personality traits, types and states
6. Projective methods of Personality Assessment - Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study
test; Words Projective stimuli – Word Association and Sentence Completion tests; Sounds
as Projective stimuli; Production of figure drawings - figure drawing tests

Pattern of Question Paper for class test of 20 marks
The class test can be conducted in the class or if the technical facilities are available, it can
be conducted online. It will be on any 1 unit taught in that Semester. If the unit is of
Psychological Testing, the Pattern can be any one of the following types.
1. Write short notes. (Any 4 out of 6, each having 5 marks)
2. Explain the terms in brief. (Any 10 out of 14, each having 2 marks)
3. Fill in the blanks (Any 20 out of 24, each having 1 mark)
4. Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 20 out of 24, each having 1 mark)
5. Part A, 10 marks – Any 2 Short Notes out of 4; Part B, 10 marks - Fill in the blanks or
Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark)
6. Part A, 10 marks – Explain the terms in brief. (Any 5 out of 10, each having 2 marks);
Part B, 10 marks - Fill in the blanks or Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out
of 14, each having 1 mark)
7. Part A, 10 marks – Explain the terms in brief. (Any 5 out of 10, each having 2 marks);
Part B, 10 marks - Write short notes. (Any 2 out of 4, each having 5 marks)
8. Part A, 10 marks ‐ Fill in the blanks (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark); Part B, 10 marks ‐
Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark)
9. Part A, 10 marks - Match the columns; Part B, 10 marks - Fill in the blanks or Multiple
choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark)

If the class test is on a unit of Statistics, the Pattern will be as follows -

Part A, 8 marks Theoretical question on the unit - Fill in the blanks or Multiple choice
question (8 out of 10), or Match the columns (8 marks) or Explain the terms in brief (Any 4
out of 6).
Part B, 12 marks, depending on the unit – Prepare a Frequency Distribution of given scores or
Calculate of Mean, Median and Mode of a Frequency Distribution (5, 5, and 2 marks) or
Calculate QD or SD (9 marks) and 1 Percentile or 1 Percentile Rank (3 marks) or
Calculate rho by Spearman’s rank‐difference method (11 marks for Calculation, 1 mark for
Pattern of Question Paper for Semester End Assessment
Duration of examination = 2 hours Marks = 60 (per semester)
All 4 questions carry 15 marks and are compulsory. There will be internal choice in each
question. Students can answer either part A or part B of each question.
The first 3 questions will be on the first 4 units. The A and B parts in question no. 1 will be
full-length essay-type, based on any 2 different units out of the first 4 units covered in the
semester, in any combination like 1 and 2, 1 and 4, 2 and 4 etc. The A and B parts in
question no. 2 will also be full-length essay-type, based on the remaining 2 units which are
not covered in question no. 1.
In Q. no. 3, part A will be based on any 2 different units out of the first 4 units and part B
will be based on the remaining 2 units. Both A and B parts Q. no. 3 will be short-answer
type, of any of the following nature -
1. Explain the terms in brief. (Any 5 terms out of 6, each having 3 marks)
2. Give reasons for the following with the help of the relevant psychological principle
or theoretical or empirical/ research basis. (Any 3 out of 4, each having 5 marks)
3. State whether the following statements are True or False and give the reasons why
True or False with the help of the relevant psychological principle or theory and/or
research. (Any 3 out of 4, each having 5 marks)
4. Explain the contributions made by or the theory given by the following. (Any 3 out
of 4 names, each having 5 marks)
5. Discuss/Explain the following statements. (Any 3 out of 4 given statements which
will be in quotation marks ‘--------- ’, each having 5 marks).
6. Write any 3 short notes out of 4, each having 5 marks.
7. Differentiate between …. and …… (Any 3 out of 4, each having 5 marks)
Q. no. 4 will be based units 5 and 6 which are of Statistics. Part A in Q. no. 4 will be on unit
5 and part B on unit 6 of the semester. There will be a theoretical question for 3 marks and
12 marks will be for preparing a frequency distribution or for various calculations according
to the topics in the unit.
Semester 5 - One Example – (questions 1, 2, and 3 on Psychological Testing; q. 4 on
Statistics) Attempt either A or B in each question.
Q. 1 On units 1 and 3
A. Essay-type question on Unit 1.
B. Essay-type question on Unit 3.
Q. 2 On units 2 and 4
A. Essay-type question on Unit 2.
B. Essay-type question on Unit 4.
Q. 3 On units 1, 2, 3
A. Explain the terms in brief. (any 5 out of 6, on units 2 and 3; three
terms from each unit) and
B.Write short notes (Any 3 out of 4, on units 1 and 4; two pairs from each unit)

Q. 4 On units 5 and 6; Statistics
A. i) Theoretical question for 3 marks on unit 5. (Types of scores, Types
of scales, Frequency Distribution and Graphic representations*)
ii) Prepare a Frequency Distribution of given scores ‐ 12 marks

B. i) Theoretical question for 3 marks on unit 6. (Measures of Central
ii) Calculate of Mean, Median and Mode of a Frequency Distribution. (12 marks;
5, 5, and 2 marks respectively)
* Note ‐ Only theoretical questions will be asked on frequency polygon, histogram, cumulative
frequency curve, ogive and smoothing a frequency polygon; questions of drawing these graphs will
not be asked in the class test or in the Semester End exam.

Semester 6 - One Example – Attempt either A or B in each question.
Q.1 On units 1 and 3
A. Essay-type question on Unit 1.
B. Essay-type question on Unit 2.
Q.2 On units 2 and 4
A. Essay-type question on Unit 3.
B. Essay-type question on Unit 4.
Q. 3 On units 1, 2, 3 and 4
A. Write short notes. (any 3 out of 4, on units 2 and 4; two short notes
from each unit)
B. Explain the following terms (Any 5 out of 6, on units 1 and 3; two
statements from each unit)
Q.4 On units 5 and 6 Statistics
A. i) Theoretical question for 3 marks on unit 5. (Measures of variability,
percentiles, and percentile ranks)
ii) Calculate QD or SD (9 marks) and 1 Percentile or 1 Percentile Rank (3 marks).
B. i) Theoretical question for 3 marks on unit 6. (Correlation)
ii) Calculate rho by Spearman’s rank‐difference method (11 marks for
Calculation, 1 mark for interpretation)

Credit Based Semester and Grading System
T.Y.B.A. Psychology Syllabi to be implemented from 2013‐2014
Abnormal Psychology: Part I and Part II (Special course; Paper V in old scheme)
Code Sem. Course Title Credits Marks
UAPS502 5 Abnormal Psychology: Part I 4 100 ( 60 +40)
UAPS602 6 Abnormal Psychology: Part II 4 100 ( 60 +40)

1) To impart knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in Abnormal Psychology and
the theories about Abnormality
2) To impart knowledge and understanding of the different Psychological Disorders – their
symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment
3) To create awareness about Mental Health problems in society
4) To create a foundation for higher education and a professional career in Clinical Psychology

Semester 5. Abnormal Psychology: Part I (Credits = 4)
4 lectures per week; 60 lectures per Semester

Unit 1: Understanding Abnormality: Definition, classification, and Assessment
a) What is Abnormal Behaviour?
b) The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
c) Psychological Assessment – Clinical interviews and Mental Status Examination
d) Behavioural, Multicultural, Environmental, and Physiological assessment

Unit 2: Theoretical Perspectives
a) The purpose of theoretical perspectives in Abnormal Psychology
b) Psychodynamic perspective
c) Humanistic perspective
d) Sociocultural perspective
e) Behavioral and cognitively based perspectives
f) Biological perspective
g) Biopsychosocial perspectives on theories and treatments: an integrative approach

Unit 3: Anxiety Disorders
a) The nature of anxiety disorders
b) Panic disorder and agoraphobia
c) Specific phobias
d) Social phobia
e) Generalized anxiety disorder
f) Obsessive‐compulsive disorder
g) Acute Stress Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
h) Anxiety disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective

Unit 4: Somatoform Disorders, Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions and Dissociative Disorders
a) Somatoform disorders
b) Psychological factors affecting medical conditions
c) Dissociative disorders
d) Somatoform disorders, psychological factors affecting medical conditions and dissociative
disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective

Semester 6. Abnormal Psychology: Part II (Credits = 4)
4 lectures per week; 60 lectures per Semester
Unit 1: Sexual Disorders
a) What is abnormal sexual behavior?
b) Paraphilias
c) Gender identity disorder
d) Sexual dysfunctions
e) Sexual disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective

Unit 2: Mood Disorders
a) General characteristics of mood disorders
b) Depressive disorders
c) Disorders involving alterations in mood
d) Theories and treatments of mood disorders
e) Suicide – who and why
f) Mood disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective

Unit 3: Schizophrenia and Related Disorders
a) Characteristics of schizophrenia
b) Other psychotic disorders
c) Theories and treatment of schizophrenia
d) Schizophrenia: the biopsychosocial perspective

Unit 4. Personality Disorders
a) The nature of personality disorders
b) Antisocial personality disorder
c) Borderline personality disorder
d) Histrionic, narcissistic, paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal, avoidant, dependent, and obsessivecompulsive
personality disorders
e) Personality disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective

Note – As an Orientation to this paper, the following sub-topics should be taught in brief
(questions will not be set on these sub-topics)
a) Abnormal psychology throughout history; research methods in abnormal psychology;
impact of psychological disorders on the individual, family, community and society; reducing stigma
b) Experiences of client and clinician; the diagnostic process; treatment planning and
c) Some ethical and legal issues relevant in India

1 assignment of 10 marks in each Semester

Broad Topics for the assignments for Semester 5 and 6 are given below. The teacher‐in‐charge
should prepare a list of various sub‐topics under these broad topics and assign different specific
topics to the students in the class to ensure maximum possible coverage of the suggested topics.
The students should refer to the relevant books and present information about the specific
assigned topic in written or typed form ‐ maximum 1000 words, 2 full pages (4 sides) of A‐4 size
paper. Additional pages (maximum 2 or 3) may be used for Bibliography and Tables, Figures and
Appendix if any. Assignments of a very high quality may be given maximum 9 marks out of 10.
Broad Topic for assignment in Semester 5 ‐
Development‐Related, Aging‐Related and Cognitive Disorders
a) Introductory issues
b) Mental retardation
c) Pervasive developmental disorders
d) Attention deficit and disruptive behavior disorders
e) Learning, communication and motor skills disorder
f) Separation anxiety disorder
g) Other disorders that originate in childhood
h) Development‐related disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective
i) The nature of cognitive disorders
j) Delirium, amnestic disorders, traumatic brain injury, dementia
k) Cognitive disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective

Broad Topic for assignment in Semester 6
Eating Disorders and Impulse Control Disorders
a) Eating disorders
b) Impulse control disorders
c) Internet addiction
d) Self injurious behaviors
e) Eating disorders and impulse control disorders: the biopsychosocial perspective
Book for study
Halgin, R. P., & Whitbourne, S.K. (2010). Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on
Psychological Disorders. (6th ed.). McGraw‐Hill

                            T.Y.B.A. Psychology Syllabi to be implemented from 2013‐2014
                                  Industrial‐Organizational Psychology: Parts I and Part II
                                 (Major Elective; Applied Component, Paper VI in old scheme)
Code Sem. Course Title Credits Marks
UAPS503 5 Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Part I 3.5 100 ( 60 + 40)
UAPS603 6 Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Part II 3.5 100 ( 60 + 40)
Objectives: -
1. To impart knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in and various facets of
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
2. To create awareness about the role and importance of Psychological factors and processes
in the world of work
3. To create a foundation for higher education and a professional career in Industrial
Psychology and Organizational Behaviour

                   Semester 5. Industrial‐Organizational Psychology: Part I (Credits = 3)
                                       3 lectures per week; 45 lectures per Semester

Unit 1. Employee Selection Principles and Techniques
a) Manpower planning – the workforce planning process
b) What’s your ideal job?
c) The recruitment process
d) An overview of the selection process
e) Fair employment practices
f) Job and work analysis
g) Biographical information
h) Interviews
i) References and letters of recommendation
j) Assessment centers

Unit 2. Performance Appraisal
a) Fair employment practices
b) Why do performance appraisal?
c) Objective, subjective, or judgmental performance appraisal techniques
d) Performance appraisal methods for managers
e) Sources of bias in performance appraisal
f) Ways to improve performance appraisals
g) The post-appraisal interview
h) Performance appraisal: a poor rating?

Unit 3. Training and Development
a) The scope and goals of organizational training
b) Staffing for organizational training
c) The pre-training environment
d) How people learn: psychological issues
e) Types of training programs
f) Career development and planning
g) Evaluating organizational training programs

Unit 4. Leadership
a) The quality of modern leadership
b) Leadership theories and leadership styles
c) The role of power and the role of expectations
d) Leadership functions
e) Characteristics of successful leaders
f) Pressures and problems of leaders
g) Diversity issues in management

                     Semester 6. Industrial‐Organizational Psychology: Part II (Credits = 3)
                                3 lectures per week; 45 lectures per Semester

Unit 1. Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Job Involvement
a) Content theories of motivation
b) Process theories of motivation
c) Job satisfaction: the quality of life at work
d) The relationship between job satisfaction and pay
e) Job involvement and organizational commitment

Unit 2. The Organization of the Organization
a) The bureaucratic organizations of the past
b) High-involvement management and employee participation
c) Total quality management
d) Organizational change
e) Socialization of new employees
f) Organizational culture
g) Labor unions
h) Informal groups: the organization within the organization
i) Technological change and organizational structure

Unit 3. Stress in the Workplace
a) Occupational health psychology
b) Physiological effects of stress
c) Individual differences in responding to stress
d) Work-family balance
e) Stressors in the work environment
f) Stress-management programs
g) Benefit picture today; employee benefits in India
h) Employee welfare programs; Work Schedules; Psychological and Social Issues.

Unit 4. Consumer Psychology
a) The scope of consumer psychology
b) Research methods in consumer psychology
c) The nature and scope of advertising
d) Consumer behavior and motivation

Note – As an Orientation to this paper, the following sub-topics should be taught in brief
(questions will not be set on these sub-topics)
a) Would people work if they did not have to? Industrial‐organizational psychology on the job
and in everyday life; what I‐O psychology means to employers; an overview of the
development of I‐O psychology; challenges for I‐O psychology; careers in I‐O psychology;
practical problems for I‐O psychologists
b) Requirements and limitations of psychological research; research methods -
experimental method, naturalistic observation, surveys and public opinion polls,
virtual laboratories: web-based research
c) Problems with using psychological tests

Book for study
Schultz, D., & Schultz, S. E. (2010). Psychology and Work Today.( 10th ed.). Pearson
Prentice Hall

1 assignment of 10 marks in each Semester
The students can choose any sub‐topic from any of the 4 units in the semester for assignment. The
teacher‐in‐charge should prepare a list of various sub‐topics in the 4 units in the semester and try
to assign different specific topics to the students in the class. The students should refer to the
relevant books and present information about the specific assigned topic in written or typed form ‐
maximum 1000 words, 2 full pages (4 sides) of A‐4 size paper. Additional pages (maximum 2 or 3)
may be used for Bibliography and Tables, Figures and Appendix if any. Assignments of a very high
quality may be given maximum 9 marks out of 10.

 Pattern of question paper for Semester-end examination at T.Y.B.A.
(Semesters 5 and 6; for the courses in Abnormal Psychology, Industrial-
Organizational Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, and Counseling Psychology)
Duration of examination = 2 hours Marks = 60 (per semester)
All 4 questions carry 15 marks and are compulsory.
There will be internal choice in each Question. Students can answer either part A or part B
of each question.
The A and B parts in each question will be based on any 2 different units out of the 4 units
covered in the semester, in any combination like 1 and 2, 1 and 4, 2 and 4, and so on.
Both A and B parts in Q. no. 1 and 2 will have essay-type question of 15 marks.
Both A and B parts in Q. no. 3 and 4 will be short-answer type, of any of the following
nature according to suitability to the particular Unit and the need to vary the combination of
Unit and question each year.
1. Explain the terms in brief. (Any 5 terms out of 6, each having 3 marks)
2. Give reasons for the following with the help of the relevant psychological principle
or theoretical or empirical/ research basis. (Any 3 out of 4, each having 5 marks)
3. State whether the following statements are True or False and give the reasons why
True or False with the help of the relevant psychological principle or theory and/or
research. (Any 3 out of 4, each having 5 marks)
4. Explain the contributions made by or the theory given by the following. (Any 3 out
of 4 names, each having 5 marks)
5. Discuss/Explain the following statements. (Any 3 out of 4 given statements which
will be in quotation marks ‘--------- ’, each having 5 marks).
6. Write any 3 short notes out of 4, each having 5 marks.
7. Differentiate between …. and …… (Any 3 out of 4, each having 5 marks)


Example 1

Example 2
Attempt either A or B in each question.
Attempt either A or B in each question.
1, 3
A. Essay-type on Unit 1.
B. Essay-type on Unit 3.
 A. Essay-type on Unit 1.
B. Essay-type on Unit 4.
2 , 4
A. Essay-type on Unit 2.
B. Essay-type on Unit 4.
A. Essay-type on Unit 2.
B. Essay-type on Unit 3
3 , 4
A.  Explain terms on Unit 3.
B.  Differentiate between on Unit 4.
A.  True/False with reasons on unit 3
B.Explain  contributions on unit 1.
A. Write short notes on Unit 1.
B. Discuss statements on Unit 2
A. Give reasons on unit 4.
B. Explain terms on Unit 2.

Pattern of question paper for class test of 20 marks at T.Y.B.A.
(Semesters 5 and 6, for the courses in Abnormal Psychology, Industrial‐Organizational Psychology,
Cognitive Psychology, Practicals in Cognitive Processes and Psychological Testing and Counseling
The class test can be on any 1 Unit in the semester. It can be conducted in the class or if the
technical facilities are available, it can be conducted online. The Pattern can be any one of
the following types, according to suitability to the particular Unit and the need to vary the
combination of Unit and question each year.
1. Write short notes. (Any 4 out of 6, each having 5 marks)
2. Explain the terms in brief. (Any 10 out of 14, each having 2 marks)
3. Fill in the blanks (Any 20 out of 24, each having 1 mark)
4. Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 20 out of 24, each having 1 mark)
5. Part A, 10 marks – Any 2 Short Notes out of 4; Part B, 10 marks - Fill in the blanks or
Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark)
6. Part A, 10 marks – Explain the terms in brief. (Any 5 out of 10, each having 2 marks);
Part B, 10 marks - Fill in the blanks or Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out
of 14, each having 1 mark)
7. Part A, 10 marks – Explain the terms in brief. (Any 5 out of 10, each having 2 marks);
Part B, 10 marks - Write short notes. (Any 2 out of 4, each having 5 marks)
8. Part A, 10 marks ‐ Fill in the blanks (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark); Part B, 10 marks ‐
Multiple choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark)
9. Part A, 10 marks - Match the columns; Part B, 10 marks - Fill in the blanks or Multiple
choice question with 4 options (Any 10 out of 14, each having 1 mark)

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