Con. 567-09. KD-4005
(3 Hours) [Total Marks : 100]
(1) Attempt five questions in all.
(2) Attempt any three questions from Section I and any two questions from Section II.
Attempt any two questions from Section 1 and any three questions from Section ll.
(3) All answers should be written in the same answer-book.
(4) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Section I
Give reasons for the following statements (any four) :- 20
(a) The idea of individual differences is supported by science.
(b) Organizations are complex systems,
(c) Organizations are formed on the basis of mutuality of interests.
(d) Contingency approach emphasizes on different methods.
(e) People who lack system understanding develop behavioral bias
(f) Ethical managers will not manipulate people.
Explain the following terms (any four):- 20
(a) Encoding.
(b) Upward communication.
(c) Cognitive dissonance.
(d) Communication overload.
(e) Open-door policy.
(f) Virtual offices.
3. Define work motivation. Compare and contrast different need theories of motivation . 20
4. State whether the following statements are True or False and give reasons
(any four) :- 20
(a) Legal compulsions affect organizational models of motivation.
(b) Employee often make cost reward comparison.
(c) Skill based pay is also called as knowledge based pay.
(d) Profit sharing recognizes mutual interests.
(e) In 360 degree feedback only the superior does appraisal.
(f) Consensus is low when everyone behaves in the same manner.
5. Explain the following :- 20
(a) Fiedler's contingency approach to leadership.
(b) Hersey and Blanchards situatiohal approach.
Sectiort II
6. Give reasons for the following statements (any four): (20)
(a) Job satisfaction and life satisfaction are closely related.
(b) Happy workers are not always effective workers.
(c) Job satisfaction is higher in smaller organizations:
(d) Employee turnover can have negative consequences.
(e) Surveys have many benefits.
(f) Employee feelings about their jobs are highly dynamic.
7. Explain: the following terms (any four) :- (20)
(a) Assertiveness
(b) Win-win outcome
(c) Coercive power
(d) Strokes
(e) Interpersonal conflict
(f) Impression management.
8.Explain Brain storming, Nominal group technique,
9. Write short notes (any four) :- (20)
(a) Self managing teams
(b) Linking pins
(c) Social loafing
(d) Matrix organization
(e) Sucker effect
(f) Characteristics of mature teams. `
10. Describe the nature of stress and explain in details the extreme effects of stress. 20
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