Paper V - Abnormal Psychology
Marks : 100
Objectives :
I) To impart knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in Abnormal Psychology and the theories about Abnormality.
2)To impart knowledge and understanding of the different Psychological Disorders - their symptoms, diagnosis, causes and treatment.
3) To create awareness about Mental Health problems society
4) To create a foundation for higher education and professional career in Clinical Psychology
Section I (50 marks)
Topics I. Looking at Abnormality (Ch. l and parts of Ch. 4)
a) Defining Abnormality
b) Historical Perspectives on Abnormality
c) The Emergence of Modern Perspectives
d) Modern Mental - Health Care
e) Professions Within Abnormal Psychology
f) Gathering information
g) Diagnosis - DSM
Topic II Contemporary theories of Abnormality
(Ch. 2)
a) Biological approaches
b) Psychological approaches
c) Social approaches
Topic III. Anxiety Disorder: Panic, Phobias, Anxiety Disorder, PTSD and OCD (Ch. 6 and Ch. 7)
a) Panic Disorder
b) Phobias
c) Generalised anxiety disorder
d) Socio-cultural approaches to the anxiety disorders
e) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
f) Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder
Topic IV- Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders(Chap.8)
a) Dissociative Disorders
b) Somatoform Disorders
Topic V. Personality Disorders (Ch. 12)
a) Defining and diagnosing personality disorders
b) Odd-Eccentric personality disorders
c) Dramatic- Emotional personality disorders
d) Anxious - Fearful personality disorders
e) A!ternative conceptualisation of personality disorders
Section II (50 marks)
Topic VI- Mood Disorders and Suicide
(Ch. 9 and 10)
a) Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Prognosis
b) Biological theories of mood disorders
c) Psychological theories of mood disorders
d) Sociocultural perspectives on mood disorders
e) Mood disorders treatments
f) Defining and Measuring suicide
g) Understanding suicide
h) Treatment and prevention
Topic VII- Schizophrenia
(Ch. 11)
a) Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Prognosis,
b) Biological theories
( c) Psychosocial perspectives
d) Treatments stress and schizophrenia
Topic VIII Childhood Disorders
(Ch. 13)
a) Behavior Disorders
b) Separation Anxiety disorder
c) Elimination disorders
d) Disorders of cognitive, motor and communication skills
e) Mental retardation
f) Autism
Topic IX Cognitive Disorders and Life - Span Issues
(Ch. 14)
a) Dementia
b) Delirium
c) Amnesia
d) Mental disorders in later life
Topic X. Sexual Disorders & Gender Identity Disorder
(Ch. (5)
a) Sexual dysfunctions
b) Paraphilias
c) Gender Identity disorder
Nolen - Hoeksema, S. (2004) . Abnormal Psychology. (3`d ed.) McGraw - Hill
* Topic no. III in Section I, and topic no. VI in Section If has a weightage of 18 marks. The remaining 8 topics have a weightage of 16 marks each.
I ) Barlow,D.H. & Durand,V.M.(2005).Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach. (4th ed.). Wadsworth / Thomson Learning
2) Seunet, P. (2003). Abnormal and Clinical Psychology: An Introductory Textbook. Open University Press
3) Compas, 8. E. & Gotlib, I. H.(2002) Introduction t0 Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice: McGraw-Hill
4) Halgin, R. P. & Whitbourne, S. K. (2003). Abnormal Psychology: Clinical Perspectives on Psychological. Disorders. (4th ed.) McGraw-Hill
5) Mash, E. J. & Wolfe, D. A. (2005). Abnormal Child Psychology (3rd ed.) Wadsworth / Thomson Learning
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